If you are a cat lover, you may have come across community cats while walking around your neighborhood. These are cats that are typically not owned by anyone but are still taken care of by the community. You may also find that some of these cats are friendly and may even approach you for a pet or a treat. However, it’s not always easy to tell whether these cats have been fixed or if they are lost from their families. Luckily, microchipping is a great way to determine if a cat has a home and if they have been spayed or neutered.
In this blog post, we will discuss how to check a community cat for a microchip to determine if they are lost or if they have been spayed or neutered.
Step 1: Capture the Kitty Before you can check if a community cat has a microchip, you need to capture it. Notched kitty indicate that they have been previously fixed, so you will most likely find a microchip. You can use a humane trap or work with a local animal rescue group like Lucky Paws to help you capture the cat safely. Once you have the cat, you can take it to any vet for a free microchip scan. Alternatively, you can borrow a microchip scanner from Lucky Paws if you need to scan the cat on-site.
Step 2: Get the Microchip Number If the cat has a microchip, the scanner will detect it and display the microchip number. Write down the number or take a picture of it with your phone. Make sure to double-check that the number is correct, as mistakes can lead to a dead end when trying to find the cat’s owner.
Step 3: Search the Database Once you have the microchip number, you can search for the cat’s owner using a microchip database. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has a universal database that you can search for free at https://www.aaha.org/. Enter the microchip number into the search bar, and it will tell you which company sold the microchip.
Step 4: Contact the Microchip Company Now that you know which company sold the microchip, you can contact them to find out where it was purchased. The company will have a record of the clinic that sold the chip, which may have the cat’s information on file. They may also be able to give you the cat owner’s contact information directly if the microchip was registered with them.
Step 5: Reach Out to the Clinic Once you have the clinic’s information, call them and ask if they have the cat’s information on file. They will be able to tell you if the cat has been spayed or neutered and if it is registered with their clinic. If the cat is registered with them, they will be able to give you the cat owner’s contact information.
Conclusion Microchipping is an essential tool for cat owners and animal lovers alike. It helps reunite lost pets with their owners and ensures that community cats are spayed or neutered. If you come across a community cat, taking the time to check for a microchip can make all the difference in reuniting the cat with its owner or ensuring that it receives proper medical care. Remember, not all pets are lucky enough to have a family that loves and cares for them. As a community, we must work together to ensure that all animals receive the care and attention they deserve.
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